Using microhydro electricity to live off grid
Using microhydro electricity to live off grid
Probably the least-known of the off-grid energy systems, microhydro electricity uses a source of running water, like a stream, to generate electricity; it's produced from the energy in water flowing from a high level to a lower level that turns a turbine at the bottom end of the system.
Microhydro electricity generation can be the most cost effective of the three, according to Energy Alternatives Ltd., "Our experience with micro hydro systems has demonstrated that water power will produce between 10 and 100 times more power than PV or wind for the same capital investment." If your source is good, it runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing lots of off-grid energy for a long, long time; because it produces so much more consistent energy, fewer batteries are needed to store the energy because there is less (or zero) time that the system isn't harvesting energy. Of course, as with the other two, it requires pretty specific on-site conditions; if you don't have a stream in the backyard, you can't use microhydro.
posted by Mr. Punky Kitten @ 5:19 PM
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