Thursday, January 28, 2010

In 2003, Mars came within 35 million miles of Earth, a 60,000-year record.

Darn, that address was so boring and predictable. He's not the same orator that ran for office, is he? He was better as an candidate than he is as a statesman.

This state of the union was really boring because Obama was boring, and sounded jaded at best, and of course there were no 'You Lie' outbreaks, even though every other statement was less than truthful.

So instead of sending boring articles about a boring speech, I'll send something interesting:

> In 2003, Mars came within 35 million miles of Earth, a 60,000-year record.

That's really amazing if you think about it!

Best View of Mars From Earth in 6 Years on Wednesday


On Jan. 27, Mars will be closer to Earth than any other time between 2008 and 2014. A mere 60 million miles away, the red planet will be a great target for backyard telescopes, and will appear bright to the naked eye as well.

Every 26 months, the two planets' orbits bring them closer together, sometimes closer than others. In 2003, Mars came within 35 million miles of Earth, a 60,000-year record.

Observers with a telescope will be able to see changes over the north pole of Mars as the carbon dioxide ice cap is nearing summer and evaporating into gas that affects the polar clouds. (If any of our reader-astronomers catch a nice image, send it our way!)

From the ground, Mars will look like an orange star almost as bright as Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. The display may actually be best on Friday, Jan. 29, when Mars will rise alongside the first full moon of the year, directly opposite the sun.

For help locating Mars, view NASA's full sky maps for Jan. 27, 28 and 29.

Image: NASA


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