Thursday, January 21, 2010

Re: Actually, we're angry at politicians

Not in a single year, not in a million years, if you're driving in reverse.
This is wrong on so many levels. I'll name a few:
  • Voters are frustrated that Obama and the Dems have decided to cram stimulus, at the expense of huge debt, down our throats, and that it does not work to create  long term free-market jobs.
  • Voters are frustrated that Obama and the Dems have not taken the same measures that Reagan and Bush Jr. took to curb recession, to cut business taxes.
  • Voters are frustrated that Obama and the Dems have concentrated on taking over the ENTIRE healthcare industry, instead of focusing on jobs. Even Obama admits that now, in his latest rhetoric.
  • Voters are frustrated that Obama and the Dems have not taken incremental steps to fix catastrophic healthcare insurance needs of the few, and have rather tried to to take over the whole thing.
  • Voters are frustrated that Obama and the Dems have incurred huge debt to no avail.
  • Voters are frustrated that Obama and the Dems have blamed everything on Bush, when damned well it is not his fault alone. It is the fault of greed, the Community Reinvestment Act, and the democratic congress elected in 2006 which took no action for two years to try to curb the oncoming problems of banks.
Get it, and get it well, or we are all doomed to failure.

Brown ran on a VERY CONSERVATIVE FREE MARKET platform in MASSACHUSETTS, and won! He did not hold back his rhetoric. It was basically, I'm Conservative, I'm Free-Market, so Let's Roll!

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Dude on a High Horse with Little Understanding of Free-Markets wrote:

Voters are frustrated…as is the President and the Democrats. Only the simple-minded Republicans actually believe that in a single year, Pres. Obama should have entirely reversed the emergency-level economic problems created in the previous 8 years of poor leadership.

Red staters said:

Democrats have altered course a little, and now are acknowledging that voters are angry. But the elites in the party still are still in denial suffering cranial rectal inversion about what the public is angry about. Jim Geraghty explains it concisely.

Democratic Establishment: We know you're angry, and we share that anger! We're mad as hell at the fat cats, the Wall Street bankers, and the big corporations!

Voters: Actually, we're angry at you.


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