Government workers deserve a cut in pay to balance the budget
Last week the invaluable Cato Insitute published several charts derived from a Bureau of Economic Analysis study of compensation.

Outraged yet?
Well, I've got one more factoid for you: Obama and the Statist Democrats want even more of your money. Even if they lose the election in November, they intend to pass new energy taxes, try to jam through a VAT tax, and slam in a mandatory unionization bill called "card check".
In other words, no matter how much money they take from you, it's never enough.
You had better vote in November if we have a prayer of stopping this madness. I've got a few suggestions as to how we can attack the Democrats' purely evil lame-duck intentions -- but only if we can take one or both houses of Congress in the fall. Those will be posted shortly. Remember November.
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