I love it: Lefties are beating each other up

White House unloads anger over criticism by 'professional left' — The White House is simmering with anger at criticism from liberals who say President Obama is more concerned with deal-making than ideological purity. — During an interview with The Hill in his West Wing office …
Discussion: Washington Wire, Crooks and Liars, Weekly Standard, Politics Daily, The Atlantic Online, The Huffington Post, Emptywheel, The Swamp, Paul Krugman, The Caucus, Firedoglake,The Fix, The Blotter, AMERICAblog News, Hot Air, Hit & Run, Political Punch, Shakesville, TPMDC,Hullabaloo, TalkLeft, CNN, NY Daily News, Ben Smith's Blog, Pajamas Media, New York Magazine,The Confluence, No More Mister Nice Blog, Mediaite, Wonkette, Left in the West, Gawker,Freedom's Lighthouse, American Power, The Impolitic, Swampland, Washington Monthly,Commentary, Donklephant, The Politico, Congress.org, Raw Story, Free exchange, Guardian,Washington Post, AmSpecBlog, pandagon.net, The Plum Line, Nice Deb, Taylor Marsh, Weigel,Brendan Nyhan, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Corrente, Lawyers, Guns & Money, 1115.org, The Washington Independent, Suburban Guerrilla, DISSENTING JUSTICE, The Daily Caller, neo-neocon,Wake up America, Grasping Reality … and iOwnTheWorld.com

Robert Gibbs Clarifies "Professional Left" Criticism, Calls Initial Comments Inartful — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — In a statement to the Huffington Post, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs acknowledged that his recent broadside against the "professional left" was inartful …

Rep. Ellison: 'Gibbs Crossed The Line' — WHAT'S YOUR REACTION? — Progressive Democrats fired back at Robert Gibbs on Tuesday, following the White House press secretary's sharp critique of what he called a "professional left" that is perpetually unsatisfied by President Obama.

Robert Gibbs concedes attack on left was "inartful" — Robert Gibbs, under fire for his attack on the "professional left," sends over a statement walking it back, conceding it was "inartful," and clarifying that the views he expressed frustration about are not widely held:

As Liberals Lose Hope, the White House is Losing Its Cool — Lord knows I've had my share of disagreements with the "professional left", as Press Secretary Robert Gibbs derisively referred to them in a rant to The Hill this morning. And I tend to endorse Jonathan Cohn's view that Obama …

Robert Gibbs attacks the fringe losers of the left — (updated below - Update II - Update III) — You may think that the reason you're dissatisfied with the Obama administration is because of substantive objections to their policies: that they've done so little about crisis-level unemployment …

Obama and Liberals — I feel like I write the 'most liberals still …
Discussion: The Plum Line, Balloon Juice, Open Left, Taegan Goddard's …, AMERICAblog News and The Political Carnival

Tribalism is the Last Refuge of Political Scoundrels, Including Robert Gibbs

Gibbs: People who are upset with Obama don't live in real America …
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