Peace, love, rainbows, unicorns…and property destruction. Via the Seattle Times
Check out the video link about half way down...
Tolerance: Libs target GOP homeowners in Pacific Northwest
Ah, it looks like the tolerant lefties in my old stomping grounds in the Pacific Northwest are at it again. There's an anonymous campaign to target GOP homeowners who display campaign signs in their yards with signs that read "RepublicansAreADisease."
Peace, love, rainbows, unicorns…and property destruction. Via the Seattle Times (hat tip: reader Jack A.):
A couple in Shoreline have been targeted in a campaign that involves destroying signs supporting Republican candidates, and replacing them with signs for
The website, which is an anonymous wordpress blog, encourages it's readers to print out signs reading, "Republicans Are A Disease" and "Republicans America's Worst Enemy" and place them on their own and public property, and to "tell their neighbors how they feel about the criminals in the GOP."
The couple that was targeted has replaced its signs, but the "wife is scared to death."
The founder, who denies any malicious intentions, brags about having a sign in his/her van that reads: "Hang Rove."
I live in Seattle. I had a sign in the back of my car that read "Republicans America's Worst Enemy". Just to let you know I got 20 smiles and thumbs up for every shaking head, and finger! I want to let everyone know exactly how I feel about today's Republicon Party when I drive around. I now have a "Republicans Are A Disease" sign in my back window. When I get a little too upset, I print up some of these signs, take my ladder, and staple them up high on telephone poles in my neighborhood. If there are any Republicons around, I want my signs in their face. I am mad, and I won't take their attacks sitting down any more. I am tired of being called names by the likes of Rush Limpbat, and his sickening right wing, ignorant ditto head friends. I love my country, and I am not afraid to let my neighbors know I think the Republican Party is America's greatest enemy, and must be driven from power. Help me, and your country. Download these signs. Print them, and put them everywhere you can. Carry the message. NOW!!!! When the GOP stops acting like the MAFIA, I will take this website down. Until then, forget it. They are my, and my country's biggest threat. America's Worst Enemy!!! Every single Republican should be treated like America's worst enemy by everyone that truly loves our country too. Just calling yourself a Republican these days means you approve of how they operate. You would have to be one sick, greedy puppy to call yourself a Republican these days. Maybe they could make their own country, and call it Torture Land. They can waterboard each other for fun.
President Obama can reach out to Republicons all he wants, while they are stabbing him in the back every chance they get. I will be poking them in the eye non stop, until they change their ways. I won't hold my breath…
Keep checking back. I have more signs I will be uploading, and will be getting signs from others to put up as well.
Update: I changed the sign in my car's back window. Now I have a "Republicans Are A Disease" sign. I also have a "Republicans Are A Disease" sign on the back of my van, along with a "Hang Rove" sign.
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Simple solution.
Make sure you have a very protective dog, like a German Shepard, or Doberman perhaps.
Install an electric "invisible" fence to keep your "best friend" on your property, then put out all the signs you want.
Grab a lawn chair and watch the food chain play out in your front yard as radical liberals break the law.
That's Seattle. If they tried vandalizing my property in the wee hours of the morning here in AZ they might find themselves staring down the barrel of a gun until the cops arrive.
I live in Chicago, and last election it was a constant battle to keep my lawn signs from being stolen.
Those peaceful, law abiding liberals are filled with so much love and sunshine. /sarc
Let's see…trespassing, destruction of personal property, public intimidation…sounds like grounds for prosecution to me.
I like that idea!
Typical. Not one fact or solid reason for the complete, hysterical hate for Republicans.
In the words of Brad Paisley, "I'm so much cooler online."
Yesterday on HA i saw a picture of an automatic hand drier with a sticker above the button that read "Press to hear a brief message from your President."
We're firing up the printer now…
Is it legal to carry your gun on your own property in Washington? We had something similar going on, then people realized the public was arming themselves. We had 400,000 CCW holders two years ago, this year it was 1.8 million.
Be safe.
This seems to be a play on the theft of campaign signs, only with a very nasty twist. If you want to target a candidate, steal his or her signs, and do other minor forms of silliness, then you are probably in the misdemeanor category. To target and individual homeowner who supports a candidate is to attack that homeowner.
This is why you put up this sign next to your GOP signs.
I hope you can find the trip wire….
DOJ investigating this hate crime in 6, 5, 4, ……..
No, I prefer the one that says "Tresspassers will be shot first, asked questions later."
Come on my property and you'll regret it.
But on the bright side, I'm glad to see the left is really focused on the issues and not character attacks. Really indicates the candidates they support have substantive ideas and effective policies, doesn't it?
Don't forget how cheap video cameras have become. Nothing like bringing a DVD to your local police and telling them "arrest these people…"
Can we define this as a "hate crime?"
It is REALLY important to remember how close to being a Brown Shirt most Collectivists are.
Just a little nudge for most of them…
Install an electric fence and turn it on before you go to bed at night.
Think razor wire. Get's 'em every time.
This guy must be really, really short..
Washington elites are a disease regardless of party.
Chicago thug politics spreading across the nation. How childish! The libs now have to resort to vandalism and intimidation because they lost the idea debate. Putting frosting on a mud cupcake won't make it taste better. Libs are too stupid to fully understand that the effort to build utopia will result equal opportunity oppression.
…on brains and courage.
NRA signs are great deterrents
Only conservatives are intolerant,
don'tcha know…
The truth is that the leftists are the intolerant ones, and they project their intolerance upon us.
Good luck with that. The local Marxist burrow-cats are more likely to charge the victim with something.
Ooh, sign me up for Torture Land. Hopefully our first presidential election will be between the DeMint/Jindal ticket and the Palin/Christie ticket…drool…
No, you don't.
. Too funny!
Wrong link. Im having a rough start.
here it is
What you do is wrap the sign posts in some kind of fauna, and under the fauna is concertina wire.
I wonder if they carry first aid kits with them on these daring raids….
I prefer – "Tresspassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again."
Its Whiney, he's the 8th dwarf that didn't make the movie, not even Walt could take his attitude…
Contempt breeds contempt. Look at how the Dem's view the law and your get your answer…
I live near Everett,WA just north of where this commie's signs appeared. I have two 'R' signs out in the front yard. They are both being watched over by Mr. 00 Mossberg.
Put the signs on PVC pipe–wrapped with fine wire connected to an electric fence charger. Water the lawn well.
With real luck one of the perps will decide to pee on the sign!
Better living through electricity. And really great Kung Fu screams from your lawn.
John Bibb
Oh my! Thats funny!
Those Red Eye flights between New York and Seattle must be exhausting for poor Keith.
How Olberrmanical of him.
I think some of you are approaching this problem from the wrong angle. You don't need to electrify a fence, you can simply electrify the sign, as this homeowner did to prevent brainwashed minor minions from stealing his McCain sign and replacing it with an O-verlord sign:
video cameras are still good for gathering evidence, and for having a very good laugh.
Hah! That was funny!
Attach the sign to your mailbox before installing cameras. Then watch them get arrested for a federal crime also.
This would never be prosecuted for any of the above in WA ST. When the house next door to me was being built the construction crew walked onto my property and plugged in their electric extension cord into my outdoor outlet to power their tools. I went out and unplugged and told them not to do it again. they told me whatevere and went and plugged it back in. So I called the Sherrif and a deputy came out. He told me that I could not press charges for tresspassing or theft, because I did not have a sign posted stating that I do not allow tresspassing. I immediately put up a sign and the deputy let the contrustion crew know that now if they do it they will be arrested.
Does this guy not even watch MSNBC? The demonrats have been in power since 2006.
What a moron.
You can buy a wild life camera that takes pictures of anything that moves for less than $100. Worth every penny when getting photo evidence of vandals.
Charging the sign works good too, although the homeowner would probably get charged with public endangerment or some such nonsense.
If Republicans are a disease,
Democrats are a disorder…
I had to read through that whole nonsensical rant to get to the only complaint.
Please, please, pleeeease let one of them come into my yard. Or at least 'get into' my face. oh ho ho what fun.
The vile leftist bastards need to be directly confronted whenever and wherever they show their ugly heads.
Dig several holes right in front the sign. Front side of the sign is political ad, back side says "Warning mine field!!"
Did this man vote for Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters? He must have, since he is encouraging dimocrats to steal Republican signs, thus, committing theft, and replace them with others, thus, comitting vandalism.
Now isn't he a clever little "useful idiot"?
Isn't there a federal law about stealing campaign signs?
Republicons? Does the ST agree with this idiot, or do they just not have spell check?
Too much wackybacky for this guy.He sounds like Olberman with his hip slang.In Texas you see the sign "Trespassers will be shot,survivors will be shot again,"
I thought they already did. Isn't that called "Navy Seal Training"?
I noticed that also, just hate no reasoning, no facts, just hate…that's some party those dems have.
Once again the left is shown for what they are, closed minded bigots, full of themselves.
How about a small, 1.5″ thick, rectangular, slightly convex, metallic sign about 5″ x 8.5″ that says:
There was a time that we had vandals in our country neighborhood. We made a fake grave with a headstone marked "The last trespasser lies here" We also posted signs saying, "Trespassers will be Persecuted"
We had no vandals, but of course this is the oklahoma, not Seattle.
correction: This is Oklahoma, not Seattle
How about that guy in Alabama running for the ag commission who shot at a sign stealer in an ad? He'll show 'em.
Actually, we could take this into the realm of the teachable moment for them.
No claymores, electric fences or concertina wire (not that they don't deserve it), but we can still have a lot of fun at their expense.
Ketchup bombs. We rig a tripwire activated device which will explode. The agent released will be as much ketchup as we can cram into the package.
It shouldn't hurt anyone, but man will it send a message. And make them too gooey to continue their intrepid mission….
Sit on your front porch with a 12 gauge shotgun. Shoot them when they walk onto your property.
End of problem.
Good Lord, this is WAY beyond acceptable behavior, whatever your political views. This is the sort of crap that goes on in banana republics. I wouldn't blame any property owner who shot one of those "Disease" hoodlums.
The high-minded "intellectual" liberals, whose tolerance has no limits, believe in free speech….free hate speech, that is!
If you run out of logical arguments in opposition, don't just give up…make unfounded accusations, and utter hate speech…often, and loudly. Talk over, and distract. Isn't that what progressive socialists teach their minions?
My roommate from college had a Model A he had restored. To prevent unwanted touching he had the coil hooked up to the frame/body. It would deliver quite a jolt!
The media, and more importantly the courts/judicial system, are slowly, inch by inch, day by day, letting any form of violence against conservatives be made an exception to the law.
This will continue until someone is killed for having a GOP or Tea Party sign on their front lawn. At that point, the judicial system will step in and do… nothing.
A man I attended Church with, just east of Oklahoma City, had two fake graves in his front yard. The grave stones said, "good burglers."
"and I am not afraid to let my neighbors know I think the Republican Party is America's greatest enemy,"
As long as he is in his car driving at the speed limit or higher. Other than that his tactic seems to be putting up his signs in something other than broad daylight. Typical liberal male…….no balls at all.
Bogtrotter, I'm sure he'd argue that he *does* do "daylight" things, and that he goes to protests.
He'll of course leave out the fact that at the protests he's got his entire face covered with a bandana.
I will teach my dog to poop around my signs. That is a calamityville mine field.
dig up the sod in a circle/rectangle around the sign and place somepressure switch mats under the sod and re-lay the sod. wire the pressure mats to spotlights and a siren. They won't be able to get close enough to the sign to steal it without getting spotlighted. The addition of a motion sensitive videocamera instead of the siren also works and keeps peace with your more conservative neighbors who have actual jobs they have to go to in the morning.
In Washington, as I understand it, you can run afoul of the law by brandishing or firing warning shots on your own property. Know your laws and use common sense. A gun is for killing, and therefore you need to be prepared to do that if it comes out.
I doubt I would shoot a guy for simple trespass, or vandalism. His car, OTOH, may need some attention.
I'm thinking Pasadena Phil needs one of these signs as well….
Back in '08, I had my wife place a McCain/Palin sticker on the back of my WHEELCHAIR. Within 10 minutes of leaving the house, someone stuck a wad of gum on chair.
Hopefully, next time he's "high on telephone poles in [his] neighborhood", he'll m-m-m-m-m-m-m-meeet with an a-a-a-a-a-acccccident.

I'll bet the hardest part about getting high on telephone poles is blazing the end.
I thought the Marxist was still President.
I was in Seattle this summer for 4 days, drove from Denver out(thru Yellowstone). Anyway, I thought I'd see a TON of Obama bumper stickers as we neared Seattle and once we got to Seattle, stayed in a hotel near downtown.. There were hardly any, and we drove around alot in the city and several suburbs.. I found that very interesting, figured every car(especially the prius') would have stickers…
Only stickers I saw on the way out was anti-Obama..
No doubt upset with Obummer because he wasn't upending all Bush policies immediately, not getting the troops out of the middle east right now, not forcing us all into a green lifestyle and not on his command ending global warming, and not moving the country towards communist dictatorship at lighting speed. He just hasn't been leftist enough for them.
It isn't its greatest enemy, but for the last several years its leadership hasn't exactly been America's greatest friend either.
I had the same problem with a crew tapping into my water. I asked the foreman to stop it the first time. The second time I disconnected the hose and cut off the end. It stopped.
I also have a "Republicans Are A Disease" sign on the back of my van, along with a "Hang Rove" sign.
I'm curious — would this guy be considered such a harmless activist if the signs read "Democrats Are A Disease" and "Execute Obama"? Or would he be subject to law enforcement inquiry, arrest, and imprisonment?
I had a builder using my outlet to finish the basement of the condo next door. Also, they were watering the landscape using my bib in the back. Pulled the plug when someone was running the saw and threw the cord over the deck wall. Also told the builder I would send him my water and electric bill for the next month if he continued using my utilities — problem solved.
Fixed that for you.
I have a photo(s) of a guy I ran into last year with these signs I think its the guy who runs that website
PS I'm no lawyer but I think I avoided any slander (just barely)
Important point:
Booby trap devices are illegal in many states.
You should check into that.
That being said… in Texas…
The key is: would a reasonable person believe that you are in danger and that deadly force is necessary to prevent the crime.
Also: deadly force is force that is intended or known by the actor to cause, or in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing, death or serious bodily injury.
The goal of deadly force is not to kill the attacker, but to stop the attack.
In this situation, it's better to sit on your roof with night vision goggles and a high pressure water hose.
In a recent case, a homeowner shot two burglars leaving a neighbor'shouse and was not charged. We interpret that law fairly generously down here.
Well, if I were Rove I would file a police report on people threatening to hang him.