Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Media Bias

You should have heard the news report on NPR this morning. It was disgusting.

They indicated that the cut and balance bill put forth in the house was:

"A tea-party lead bill that the president would veto and has no chance in the senate where a bipartisan bill is being originated to give the president the power to raise the debt ceiling"

Anything biased there? Nah.

How about this: the bill in the house only cuts $111 Billion in the next fiscal year. That's only 2.5% of the $4Trillion dollar budget.

How can NPR claim to be unbiased? It's a joke.

A non-biased news network would have pointed out that the bill in the house indeed does not go very far toward solving the imbalanced budget problem at all. 2.5% just won't close the gap of 40%. A non-biased news network would have indicated that Obama - by indicating he'd veto a bill that only cuts 2.5% - is being partisan.  Additionally, a 'smart' network would have pointed out that the balanced budget amendment doesn't even go to the president. It goes to the states to garner 50% approval of 2/3 of those states. The brainiac Obama probably doesn't even know that.

"Of the one hundred or so news outlets that I examine, only a handful lean right. These include: the Washington Times, the Daily Oklahoman, the (Tucson) Arizona Daily Star, and Fox News' Special Report... But even the latter, supposedly conservative news outlets, are not far-right. For instance, Special Report is more centrist than any of the three network evening news shows. That is, its conservative bias is less than the liberal bias of ABC, CBS, or NBC.

The effects of media bias are real and significant. My results suggest that media bias aids Democratic candidates by about 8-10 percentage points in a typical election. I find, for instance, that if media bias didn't exist, then John McCain would have defeated Barack Obama 56-42, instead of losing 53-46." --Dr. Timothy Groseclose


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