Sunday, September 09, 2012

Same old rhetoric and promises...? Yep!

2008: steps we must take
2012: steps we must take

2008: right now
2012: right now

2008: end our depenence on foreign oil
2012: end our depenence on foreign oil

2008: recruit an army of new teachers
2012: recruit an army of new teachers

2008: make college more affordable
2012: make college more affordable

2008: solar wind biodiesel
2012: solar wind biodiesel

2008: crumbling roads bridges
2012: crumbling roads bridges

2008: meet the challeges we face as a nation
2012: meet the challeges we face as a nation

2008: put more people back to work
2012: put more people back to work

2008: lost their home
2012: lost their home

2008: we've gone through tough times
2012: we've gone through tough times

2008: we will rise or fall
2012: we will rise or fall

2008: as one nation
2012: as one nation

2008: as one people
2012: as one people

2008: we are all in it together
2012: we are all in it together

2008: a place where you can make it if you try
2012: a place where you can make it if you try

2008: because i believe in you
2012: because i believe in you

2008: your hopes
2012: your hopes

2008: your dreams
2012: your dreams

2008: make calls for me
2012: make calls for me

2008: if you are willing to work me
2012: if you are willing to work me

2008: i promise you
2012: i promise you

2008: change will come
2012: change will come


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