Snob-ama disses pro-gun, religious, anti-illegal immigration activists in Penn.
Snob-ama disses pro-gun, religious, anti-illegal immigration activists in Penn.

A HuffPo writer reports that during a fund-raiser with wealthy San Francisco liberals, Obama (now Snob-ama) said the following:“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said. “And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”Now, we don’t need to guess anymore what he’s thinking when he’s on the campaign trail in rural and small-town Pennsylvania. Instead of hard-working, patriotic, faithful Americans, he sees “bitter,” “frustrated,” resentful scary people whom he’ll readily diss while sipping Chardonnay in Baghdad by the Bay.
A real man of the people, that Barack “37” Obama, ain’t he?
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