Thursday, December 03, 2009

Reality: CO2 only 4% of Greenhouse Gases

Dr. Tim Ball, a for-real climatologist and AGW skeptic, makes an important point that is being missed as the whole ClimateGate story unfolds: It's NOT the CO2, Stupid!

Several scientists have known for years the science was wrong and the CRU with a few others were doing things beyond normal scientific techniques to mislead the public. We couldn't compete with the deliberate media misinformation, personal attacks and frightening orchestration disclosed in the hacked emails. Now we have the weapon but it is an atomic bomb ignored by the mainstream media and the politicians.

The key was CO2 and why it received so much attention? It's less than 4 percent of the greenhouse gases and a minuscule part of the total complexity that creates weather. Yet it's the sole focus of all climate and energy policy when it doesn't cause global warming or climate change. In fact, in every record of any duration for any period in the earth's history temperature increase precedes CO2 increase.

Recall Al Gore's oft-shown CO2 and temperature graph? It's been known for years that this cause-and-effect relationship between planet temperature and atmospheric CO2 was not nearly as simple as that. In fact, it's the opposite of what Gore contends:

For those not aware of the issue, ice core data, like that shown by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth, initially showed a very strong and compelling correlation between CO2 and temperature. Not only did CO2 look like a driver of climate, it looked like the driver. But Gore is very careful how he presents this chart in his movie (one of his Really Big Charts). The reason is that by the time of the movie, better instrumentation and lab procedure had shown that temperature increases in the ice core data actually preceded CO2 increases by 800 or more years. CO2 was being increased by heating of the oceans and outgassing of CO2 from them, not the other way around.


Analysis of ice core data from Antarctica by Indermühle et al. (GRL, vol. 27, p. 735, 2000), who find that CO2 lags behind the temperature by 1200±700 years. Source

Dr. Ball continues:

The only place where CO2 causes temperature increase is in the doctored computer models of the CRU and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). People involved in climategate also controlled key chapters of the IPCC Reports including those on atmospheric composition; paleoclimates (reconstruction of past climate); computer models and the Summary for PolicyMakers (SPM). Manipulation of data, falsification of temperature graphs, control of publishing and peer review, selective inclusion of variables and mechanisms in computer models were all designed to make it appear CO2 was the sole driving mechanism of temperature.
They've moved the goalposts again as they did when global warming became climate change and carbon credits became cap and trade. The focus is Climategate when it should be how even excluding rigged data the science is wrong. Scientists involved in the 'climategate' scandal have successfully diverted attention from the real issue with their denials. The mainstream media whose silence is either deafening or defensive have enabled them.
Disclosure of the extent and degree of the scandal leads to the obvious question. "What's the motive?" There are two streams, the political and the scientific, which appear separate but are closely conjoined. [...] The 1974 report of the Club of Rome titled, Mankind at the Turning Point says, "It would seem that humans need a common motivation…either a real one or else one invented for the purpose...In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself." (my emphasis).
H. L. Mencken's comment that, "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule" is validated.
Predictions of disaster are in the Report of Working Group II of the IPCC are based solely on the false science prepared by Working Group I controlled by the CRU gang. This provides the emotional leverage to support Strong's objective of shutting down industry, establishing equalization of wealth and one world government.

It's all about control. By the elite Euro-Liberal-Socialist Ruling Class over You and Me, the Stupid Folk.


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