- There's a lesson to be learned here ... New Hampshire has a low unemployment rate primarily because it has zero income taxes, zero sales taxes and few government regulations on businesses.
- A must-read from the Washington Times: The era of big government has returned with a vengeance ...
- Will Obama get on board with the growing number of Democrats who think the Bush tax cuts need to be extended? In other words, is President Obama ready to be president?
- Here is what Republicans think of Barack Obama. For starters, a majority of Republicans believe he is a socialist. [DITTO !]
- Here are just a few reasons why taxing the rich won't work.
- This is a great interview with information that every American needs to know about our national debt.
- The Wall Street Journal argues that the deficit has grown so large and persistent that it is becoming a national security threat.
- How many millions of dollars does it take the federal government to weatherize just 47 homes in Texas? Talk about an outrage.
- Reason Magazine highlights the growing entitlement class of government bureaucrats.
- If you are more of a visual person, here are seven charts worth $1 trillion.
- video on the Democrat rhetoric on jobs versus reality.
- The US is going to release a revision to employment data and it is expected that we may lose 824,000 more jobs.
- Liberals often cite one of Obama's biggest accomplishments as ridding his administration of lobbyists. But is that true? I'll give you a hint: no.
- Where does the Constitution authorize Congress to force individuals to buy health insurance? The answer is that it doesn't. But members of Congress have a different idea.
- John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, has produced a documentary on the other side of global warming.
- National Review seems to think that the Republicans could conceivably gain up to 90 seats in the next election.
- Which states do you think are the most liberal? How about the most conservative?
From Neal.
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