Campaign 2010: New Faces Reign...
Well Miki....
> I see three faces I would not look at…..and of the one I would look at…
So you are practicing discrimination against those three faces that you would not look at? Is this based on 'looks'? How tolerant are you being?
> I would not listen to…
Who would you not listen to an opponent. Perhaps if you would listen, you might be influenced by, and perhaps that is what you are trying to avoid? Go ahead and put your head in the sand.
> As a British subject,
You are as much an American citizen as is Obama. He set the precedent that you don't have to actually be born here to be eligible to be president. Therefore I grant you citizenship. You are welcome.
> they have ruined forever what core good feelings I have held for true 'tea parties'….
This logic is really backwards. The first tea parties perhaps gave good feelings to rebels in the American Colonies, but the English or British certainly didn't have any good feelings when those rebel events took place. Today's tea parties are not violent or criminal as were the originals several hundred years ago. Today's tea parties are simply metaphors for our dislike for government tyranny. Tyranny because the Bush taxes are being increased in 2011. Tyranny because of the huge deficits and debt, which is NOT being addressed, and thus is dragging down our economy.
Admit it, you are being outwardly intolerant to the rank and file 'normal' Americans who do not like big government. Yet you are secretly inwardly drawn to our movement, especially with leaders like Sarah Palin and Nikki Haley.
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:38 AM, Miki wrote:
I see three faces I would not look at…..and of the one I would look at…I would not listen to… As a British subject, they have ruined forever what core good feelings I have held for true 'tea parties'….
Palin's backing pays off big time!!!
Note how many tea party candidates have won.
Campaign 2010: New Faces Reign...
(First headline, 1st story, link)
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