Monday, August 22, 2011

Check out page 59 of Obamacare...

"That call from Rita. She's reading from page 58, 59 of the health care bill about the government's access to our bank accounts, and she wanted to know why nobody's talking about it -- and I told her everybody did. May I quote from myself, August 4th of 2009? It's just a little over two years ago. Quote: "The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer to pay. Yes, my friends, the federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer, meaning from your account to them. They will be able to debit your account for health expenses. That's on page 59, go get the bill. I'm summarizing here for you. "

This resulted, by the way, in the White House attacking Drudge for reporting certain aspects that were in the health care bill -- and in the process, they call attention to what they didn't want anybody to see. So, again, Rita, I'm really glad you called. It's a golden opportunity to remind people -- and, of course, the tune-in factor here is nuts. There are people listening now that weren't there who are just probably learning this and hearing about it for the first time, because since it did pass there hasn't been nearly as much focus on it, on those kind of details. The focus has been on all the "waivers." What are we up to, over 2500 waivers the regime has granted now to various companies, large and small, who would be out of business if they had to play by Obamacare law right now?

Can't have that before the election! If this thing isn't repealed or if it isn't defunded, after 2012, 2013, 2014, when it really starts to hit, people have no idea. What has happened to this country up to this point is nothing compared to what's in store for us with just this one piece of legislation." --Rush Limbaugh


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