Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why It Is Important To Follow Directions.

It is very important to follow directions in life, because without directions, and the ability to obey the given instructions, many unnecessary or unwarranted side effects may occur. This is a basic tenant of not only professional and school life, but every day life as well.

For instance, what would happen if I were directed to push in my chair at the end of my day, before I leave to go home? There are various scenarios that could occur if I failed to follow those directions.
  • 1). It may happen that someone, including a teacher, boss or janitor trips over the chair.
  • 2). I may happen that more than just myself had failed to follow directions, and did not push in their chair. In that event it would be an undue burden upon the people who either clean the floors, or those that are responsible for navigating through the desks and chairs.
  • 3). Certainly, and most inappropriately, the order or lack of order is disrupted by the non-uniformity caused by one or a few individuals failing to follow directions, and therefore a certain amount of chaos or lack of discipline would or could ensue.
These are only three examples of the negative side effects of what may happen when I or anyone fails to follow directions. The regard for the kind of order and discipline for adherence to instructions can make a habit turn to something good rather than disorderly. The lack of organization or order can instill a sense of negligence of attitudes toward hard work and industriousness.

Sometimes, it may well happen that people do indeed have the proper attitude and purpose toward a due adherence to the directions given to them. They may well respect the person or source of the given instructions, and would give it proper consideration. It may be that there are certain extenuating circumstances which interfere with the individuals execution of a plan or temporal prosecution of a directive. 
  • 1). It may well be that the individual did not hear or gain knowledge of the directions. It is said that ignorance is no excuse, but sometimes it does act, on a case by case basis, as an explanation. 
  • 2). Perhaps the individual has not developed a fine sense of time and the delivery and discharge of steps along the path completion of a direction, especially if it is complex. 
  • 3). Sometimes the person just plain forgets. Again, forgetfulness is not an excuse. It is indeed, however, a detrimental trait inherent in certain individuals. 
Many overcome this problem through various cognitive techniques, and via the use of external technological aids like watches, computer or blackberries with calendars and alarms. Dependence on this kind of external aid is not desirable, but is better than naught.

If a failure to follow instructions results in some form of punishment, be it a simple reprimand, or perhaps more work, say, for instance, int he form of the necessity to write an essay on the subject of following directions ensues, then one should take that as a learning opportunity. Decide to learn from the experience of the reprimand or the assigned extra work as a reminder that one should not fail to listen to direction in the future, let it reinforce that notion.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that there are those rare instances where an individual simply refused to follow directions out of sheer spite or their own innate sense of individuality or rebellion. More often than not, this refusal to either be disciplined or to follow directions as instructed won't result in a positive result for them or society as a whole. Sometimes, though, these are the very souls who's inner spark, their ability to follow their own drumbeat, results in a unique style and individual way of thinking. Sometimes these are the unique people who go on to be artists, thinkers or entrepreneurs, the ones that create whole new ways of developing ideas by thinking outside the box. But this is the exception rather not the rule.

Since my own task was to write this essay, I found it indeed a truly interesting learning experience. Thank you for listening.


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