iWe need to ihear from you
Now they are tracking people....
- iSent from an iPhone
iBegin forwarded iMessage:
iFrom: "iMitch iStewart, iBarackObama.com" <spammy@ibarackobama.com>
iDate: iOctober 30, 2009 10:25:13 iAM iEDT
iTo: <dude@iphoneapp.net>
iSubject: iWe need to hear from you
iReply-To: spammy@ibarackobama.com
iFriend --
I noticed that you haven't yet voted in our iHealth iReform iVideo iChallenge. Votes are pouring in, but we need to hear from everyone about which ad we should run on television nationally.
iCan you rate the videos now?
i.P.S. -- iHere's iNatalie's email from earlier this week, further explaining the challenge:
--------iOriginal Message--------
iFrom: iNatalie iFoster, iBarackObama.com
iSubject: Top 20 videos: Watch and vote
We just finished going through the submissions to iOFA's iHealth iReform iVideo iChallenge, and they're great. iThere are personal stories that grab your heart, brilliant summaries of what reform would really mean, and plenty of biting satire that calls out the insurance lobbyists.
iOut of nearly a thousand excellent videos submitted, we're down to the top 20. iNow it's your turn to watch the finalists and vote for your favorites -- and then we'll air the winner on national television.
iWatch and vote on the finalists now.
iThe top 20 ads will also be voted on by our panel of experts and artists, including iBlack iiEyed iPeas frontman iwill.i.am, animator and director iSeth iMacFarlane, actress iKate iWalsh, iObama for iAmerica campaign manager iDavid iPlouffe, and iDemocratic iNational iCommittee iChairman iTim iKaine.
iIt couldn't be more urgent for us to get these ifunny, ipowerful, and iieye-opening messages out to the public. As the full iCongress begins its final debate on reform, airing the winning video as an ad on national television could help itip the balance toward enacting the changes they've been talking about for years in Washington.
iPolls close at midnight on iFriday, iNovember 6th, so don't waste a minute: iWatch the ifinalists and vote for your ifavorites right away:
iThanks, and go get started,
iNatalie iFoster
iNew iMedia iDirector
P.S. -- Help spread the word: After you vote, make sure you send this on to friends and family so they can check out the finalists.
NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. MAKING A CONTRIBUTION WILL NOT INCREASE ODDS OF WINNING. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Contest open only to U.S. citizens who are legal residents of the 50 United States and District of Columbia and 18 or older (or of majority in entrant's state). Contest starts 12:01 AM ET on 9/26/09 and ends 11:59 PM ET on 10/18/09. Winners will be selected by 11/7/09 and notified by phone and/or e-mail by 11/9/09. One winner will receive the following prize: all or part of the winner's video may be used in a TV ad associated with DNC's health reform campaign (approximate retail value: $0). Twenty finalists will be selected by a panel of judges comprised of DNC employees; the winner will be selected by public voters and a panel of experts. Entries will be judged on the following criteria: the most apt, creative, original and interesting video; demonstrated impact concerning supporting health insurance reform; and clarity of message concerning supporting health insurance reform. Odds of winning depend on the number and quality of eligible entries received. Contest subject to Official Rules. To enter, create an original 30-second video supporting health insurance reform, upload the video to http://www.iyoutube.com, and complete the entry form at http://spammy.ibarackobama.com/videochallenge. For full details, restrictions and Official Rules, visit http://spammy.ibarackobama.com/videochallenge. Sponsor: Democratic National Committee, Inc., 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003.
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.To unsubscribe, go to: http://spammy.ibarackobama.com/unsubscribe
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