Monday, September 27, 2010

I can see November from my front porch!

The Will of the People: America's Last Best Hope
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A terrific video produced by Ben Howe over at RedState and is a great reminder that November is coming--and why this midterm election is so critical in solidifying America's future path.  The video speaks for itself, but I'd like to stress a couple of key points for those voters who remain undecided and still cling to Obama's "hope"   lies. 

What was originally promised to you during the campaign and reiterated on   is completely different than what has unfolded the past 21 months.  Don't believe me or still undecided, go see for yourself.  In 2006 and again in 2008, Republicans were taught a lesson by the voters.  Now, the Democrats must learn the same lesson, including the Blue Dog Democrat sellouts (there are no conservative Democrats).  They stole your health care, spent your hard earned money for endless crony bailouts, and in the age of Obama more people in America live in poverty.  Now, it is time for them to learn.  Call it a teachable moment.

As I see it, the Democrats will lose their majority.  Period.  And it has nothing to do with great orator's ability to communicate--or lack thereof--especially regarding Obamacare.  Independents and Republicans, and yes,   even Democrats,   know that this Congress and president defied their will--which was clearly known--so there was no failure to communicate.  It was a failure to listen and obey the will of the American people as their elected representatives. There is no way to sugar-coat the progressive redistributive power grabs legislated by the Democrat Congress with rhetoric or car metaphors.


November is indeed coming, and if the Democrats thought 1994 was a beating--triggered by only a tax increase--you ain't seen nothin' yet.  Never underestimate the will of the   American people when it comes to protecting their   freedom and   liberty for themselves,   their children, and future generations.  One day, some of you may even thank us.


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