McCain: Russian Spy Pandemic could get you too
CNN BREAKING NEWS: 62M Russian Spies voted Trump "Avoid any Smirnoff & pet bears", says McCain, "Russian Spy Pandemic could get you too!"
Speaking truth to old-stream media bias.
CNN BREAKING NEWS: 62M Russian Spies voted Trump "Avoid any Smirnoff & pet bears", says McCain, "Russian Spy Pandemic could get you too!"
Here's an email I recently got from a currently unemployed American techie (who's also a longtime kf reader):
I am having difficulty competing with H-1b visaholders. I thought it would be an easy sell. I would say, "I am willing to work for as little as them, plus I speak English, and went to graduate school, and made good grades, and have done exactly that job well for decades."
Employers don't care. You see, when they say to Americans, "You must routinely work evenings and weekends and holidays and vacations and all-nighters for free," the Americans look for another job. When employers say that to H-1b visaholders, they can add, "Oh, and it's a crime for you to work in America for anyone except me, and if you get fired you are immediately deported back to Bangladesh, per capita annual income $800. If you keep working at this awful job, by contrast, your whole family may move here for family reunification."
And we worry why more Americans aren't motivated to get STEM degrees? … The H-1B program (at about 100,000 visas a year) may look small, but it seems to have a huge impact on the tech industry (why so many Silicon CEOs care so much about it) ….
The day is here for Mink Zuckerzuck to go speeching for the Harvard! Every year we beg him to come PLEASE but only now will he come here to this place, here now, he is here to prove that he is stronger president material than Joel BidenBoy. Nice Try Joe Man, but you can't Zonk the Zucker-Duck. This guy can Zoink anything.
The only thing worse than these stolen websoots is the QUAD. Does that make sense? I dropped out reeeeally early.
ALSO BREAKING: local plates
Mike Zookybip, Moop Zinkletrip, Mooooooo p pp
I have taken over the internet
Peener Weiner accidentally looks like algorithm to rank hot girls.
Dean of the College Rakesh Khuranas favorability rating has halved since he assumed the deanship two years ago, according to a survey conducted by The Crimson.
And fed his body to my children
Just released by the CBO.
The Obamacare status quo: Individual market premiums have increased 105 percent in four years for the 39 states on ACA…
Perfect example of Media Lies:
"Journalist" says Pope didn't say anything or smile. Complete lie, watch the video:…
First, understand their job – Each of the aforementioned was/is part of the congressional intelligence oversight called the "Gang of Eight". The Go8 are exclusively responsible for overseeing all intelligence community activity as it relates to intelligence gathering and corresponding investigations.
In short these eight elected representatives are in charge of all oversight of all U.S. intelligence operations and investigations. As elected representatives, they represent one of the most important checks within the system of government overseeing non-elected officials.
Again, we refer back to the March 20th testimony of FBI Director James Comey where he is questioned by Freshman Representative Elise M. Stefanik.
Stefanik is a young, freshman republican congresswoman from the Albany New York area. And using a probative questioning timeline, she single-handily pulled the mask from FBI Director James Comey, and exposed the corruption within the Gang-of-Eight yet no-one seems to notice.
In the segment of the questioning below Rep. Stefanik begins by asking director Comey what are the typical protocols, broad standards and procedures for notifying the Director of National Intelligence, the White House and senior congressional leadership (aka the intelligence Gang of Eight), when the FBI has opened a counter-intelligence investigation.
The response from Comey is a generalized reply (with uncomfortable body language) that notification of counter-intel investigations are discussed with the White House, and other pertinent officials, on a calendar basis, ie. "quarterly".
With the statement that such counter-intel notifications happen "generally quarterly", and against the backdrop that Comey stated in July of 2016 a counter-intel investigation began, Stefanik asks:
…"when did you notify the White House, the DNI and congressional leadership"?
Everything happens in the first three minutes of that questioning. Against the backdrop to what you know now about Director James Comey's investigation which began in July 2016, let's unpack the response.
Director Comey said he informed the DNI (James Clapper), White House National Security Council (Susan Rice), and the DOJ who would have been his boss acting Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates (head of counter intelligence operations). He DID NOT notify congress.
Again, review that 2:49 second Q & A segment.
Director Comey is admitting to congress that for eight months he did not tell them about the counterintelligence investigation "because of the sensitivity of the matter".
From his own testimony Director Comey admits he coordinated with: Susan Rice (White House), James Clapper (DNI) and Sally Yates (DOJ Counter-Intel). However, Comey also admits he intentionally did not tell congressional oversight. EVER.
The people within congress who SHOULD HAVE BEEN notified of the counterintelligence operation are the 'Gang-of-Eight': (Ryan, Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Nunes, Schiff, Burr and Feinstein/Warner) [*note Warner replaced Feinstein in '17].
Director Comey is openly admitting to beginning an intelligence operation/investigation in July 2016 and intentionally not notifying congress until March 2017. In essence, he is completely operating without oversight.
However, did you hear a single member of the Gang of Eight raise objection to this stunning revelation?
Comey is admitting to keeping the Go8 in the dark. Comey is admitting to intentionally acting without oversight. Did a single member of the Go8 call for his removal? Did they protest this action? Did they demand to know why he felt empowered to violate the checks-and-balances?
Not a single member of the oversight Gang of Eight raised an eyebrow after this testimony. Why?
What is the purpose of oversight when the people doing the oversight don't care if a non-elected official can operate independent of oversight?
Answer those questions and you can see the depth of the swamp.
This is a much bigger issue than President Trump firing James Comey. This reality represents the structural collapse of a primary function of government.
Here's where it gets interesting. Pay close attention to the names and actions by congressional leadership as they respond to Director James Comey's firing.
Nunes and Shiff are the head of the House Permanent Committee on Intelligence. Burr and Warner are the heads of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Ryan and Pelosi are the heads of the House. McConnell and Schumer are the heads of the Senate.
The group functions as the Gang-of-Eight as a result of their position in congress and on the oversight committees. Yet it would appear they held no active interest in oversight of FBI Director James Comey's intelligence activity.
Why is that?
Way to go Rs!
As a presidential candidate in 2008, Barack Obama had promised repeatedly that he would not raise any tax on any American earning less than $250,000 per year. He broke the promise when he signed Obamacare. With the passage of the House GOP bill, tens of millions of middle income Americans will get tax relief from Obamacare's long list of tax hikes.
List of Obamacare Taxes Repealed
Posted by John Kartch on Thursday, May 4th, 2017, 6:11 PM PERMALINK
The American Health Care Act (HR 1628) passed by the House today reduces taxes on the American people by over $1 trillion. The bill abolishes the following taxes imposed by Obama and the Democrat party in 2010 as part of Obamacare:
-Abolishes the Obamacare Individual Mandate Tax which hits 8 million Americans each year.
-Abolishes the Obamacare Employer Mandate Tax. Together with repeal of the Individual Mandate Tax repeal this is a $270 billion tax cut.
-Abolishes Obamacare's Medicine Cabinet Tax which hits 20 million Americans with Health Savings Accounts and 30 million Americans with Flexible Spending Accounts. This is a $6 billion tax cut.
-Abolishes Obamacare's Flexible Spending Account tax on 30 million Americans. This is a $20 billion tax cut.
-Abolishes Obamacare's Chronic Care Tax on 10 million Americans with high out of pocket medical expenses. This is a $126 billion tax cut.
-Abolishes Obamacare's HSA withdrawal tax. This is a $100 million tax cut.
-Abolishes Obamacare's 10% excise tax on small businesses with indoor tanning services. This is a $600 million tax cut.
-Abolishes the Obamacare health insurance tax. This is a $145 billion tax cut.
-Abolishes the Obamacare 3.8% surtax on investment income. This is a $172 billion tax cut.
-Abolishes the Obamacare medical device tax. This is a $20 billion tax cut.
-Abolishes the Obamacare tax on prescription medicine. This is a $28 billion tax cut.
-Abolishes the Obamacare tax on retiree prescription drug coverage. This is a $2 billion tax cut.